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Life Experiences Can Be Expensive

Posted: July 29, 2019

By Heather Tyson, Former Overcoming Obstacles Student, Indianapolis, Indiana

Some say life experiences are the best teachers, but I’m here to tell you they can be expensive. Learning life skills formally in school prevented tragic conflicts in my and others’ teenage years and beyond. The truth is some people have to be on heightened alert to face conflicts at school, home, and in their communities at all times. You don’t have a choice so the skills of learning about life’s obstacles can be a game-changer for most.

You have to learn how to communicate your feelings in this world and some don’t. That’s the home training type of structure that some lack, that the elders speak of. The horrible truth is that your loved one could run into a person who doesn’t know how to deal with conflict and now they resort to guns instead of thinking about how to handle the situation in an assertive way, instead of the aggressive way.

We can stand with life skills education and the Overcoming Obstacles curriculum to enhance communities and world peace. Overcoming Obstacles has been statistically proven to regenerate broken minds by inspiring future will power to succeed that is very beneficial. Had I not learned life skills, I would have made more bad choices not realizing aggression was a choice that you don’t have to follow. Seeing aggression in a household setting was traumatizing and easy to fall victim to. Learning how to push past the years by goal setting wasn’t considered common talk in my household once upon a time.

The lessons in Overcoming Obstacles don’t judge people, but instead, encourage us by demonstrating the possibilities of standing on our own two feet no matter what people would say. It’s hard not to become a statistic in parts of life, so it’s best to learn some life skills along the way.

I thank the supporters of Overcoming Obstacles and the educators who teach their young people these critical life skills. I want children to know that there are many people who care about you no matter your life story. Although your life may be harsher or more relaxing than mine, we can talk to share ideas about what happened and how to overcome obstacles in future endeavors.

So here I stand to say we don’t know what tomorrow may bring — it can be brighter just by realizing you know how to wake up with a new goal and the knowledge that you have the tools to demonstrate life skills by building character, spreading awareness and many more solutions to life’s obstacles.