Overcoming Obstacles

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Lesson 12: Becoming a Good Friend

Standards Addressed

  • Students will learn how to make and keep friends.
  • Students will interact with others to explore ideas and concepts, communicate meaning, and develop logical interpretations through collaborative conversations; they will also build upon the ideas of others to clearly express one's own views while respecting diverse perspectives.


  • Students will learn the qualities of a good friend.

  • Students will learn how to be a good friend.


  • Board or chart paper and markers (“I Do”)

  • Hand Cutout” educator resource (print the hand cutouts on gold or silver construction paper if you can and cut out the hands for each student before the lesson) (“We Do”)

  • Coloring and decorative art supplies for each student (“We Do”)


5 Minutes

Ask students to raise their hand if they can think of a pair of good friends from television shows or movies they have seen. Once students have thought about it, ask them to share how they know they are good friends. After a few examples have been given, tell students, “Today, we are going to discuss the qualities of a good friend.”

Teacher Presented Knowledge / I Do

10 Minutes

Ask students to share what they feel are the qualities of good friends. As students list qualities, write them on an anchor chart. Guide students to understand that friends understand each other, friends should be able to trust each other, friends don’t always agree, friends give each other encouragement, and friends help each other.

Guided Student Practice / We Do

15 Minutes

Tell students, “Now that we have discussed the qualities of a good friend, we are going to make ‘friendly high fives’ to remind us what good friends do. That way, each time you give a person a high five, you will remember how to be a good friend.”

Pass out gold or silver hands and a marker to each student. Instruct students to write their names in the palm of the hand. Then, on each finger, write one quality of a good friend using the qualities listed on the anchor chart. Once finished, each student should end up having five traits of a good friend on their hand. Have students decorate their hands and display them in the classroom.

Student Independent Practice / You Do

20 Minutes

Once all hands are completed, divide students into equal groups and tell them, “Now, we are going to practice one of our friendly qualities: encouragement. I want each of you to high five the classmates in your group and give him or her a genuine compliment. Once you have done so, return to your desk.” Circulate around the classroom as students are complimenting their peers.


3 Minutes

Tell students that any time they give a classmate a high five, they should think about how they can be a good friend to that person. Remind students that to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.

Student Assessment

  1. Describe a time a person was a good friend to you.
  2. How can you be a better friend?

Extensions for Lesson 12: Becoming a Good Friend

Art Extension

Students can illustrate a page for a class book titled How to Be a Good Friend.

Drama Extension

Students can role-play acts of friendship in front of the class.

ELA Extension

Have students write about what they think makes someone a good friend.

Music Extension

Have students make their own friendship songs, or take existing songs and change the lyrics so they are about being a good friend.

PE Extension

Designate a “buddy bench” area during recess and tell students it is an area where they can sit if they are looking for someone to play with. Explain to students that if they are playing and see someone sitting there, they should invite them to play, too.

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