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Why It’s Important for Schools to Teach Life Skills – A Student’s Perspective

Posted: June 6, 2016

All students need to be given a life skills education. Most people would agree with that. How to communicate effectively, make good decisions, solve problems, and more are essentials skills everyone needs in order to succeed in life. The question often is, however, where is the best place to teach these skills?

Many would assume that young people are learning life skills from their parents. However, depending on a child’s circumstances, that is not always the case. Matthew Caraballo, who was taught Overcoming Obstacles in high school, explains why school was the only place he could have learned these skills:

We can’t always assume that students are being taught life skills somewhere. If we want to make sure that everyone has these essential skills, they need to be a regular part of the school day either in an advisory period, a stand-alone class, or infused into core content classes. For help finding ways you can implement Overcoming Obstacles, contact us.